01 September 2006

Train wreck

That's what this week has been.

My boss is on vacation.

I'm wearing two hats, one of which is his public relations one.

I'm horrid at PR. I duck it whenever possible.

So, this week:

* Stadium is hit by vandals. We share the facility with another entity, so that PR person is asking me if it will be cleaned up in time for prep football this weekend. Me, I'm thinking, "Prep football? Already?"

* Stadium clean, I have to deal with a zillion little fires.

* Big fire: major speaker for a scheduled debate, well-known speaker, one who is 50 percent of the debate, is stuck in O'Hare, scrambling for another flight. Five hours before the debate is due to start. Panic ensues. After hunting for a backup (thank you to that brave person, btw), turns out the stuck person manages to get unstuck, arrives in time (though frazzled), and does a wonderful job with her counterpart on a debate about civil liberties.

* After working a (ugh) 17-hour day, I had planned to stay home and sleep in a bit today. Not happening, because as I walked in my house at near 10 p.m., dh has to bolt out the door, drive to work, and stay up way too late in an attempt to fix something. So he got to sleep in, not me.

* Early dismissal at kids' school. Grab them. Carry sobbing, crying, unhappy four-year-old into his room at aftercare. Leave feeling very guilty because:

* Plans to leave work by 1 p.m. and take kids to park after school lets out early foiled, I try for 2. Then reminded by student of photo shoot I scheduled at 2:30. Try for 3. Leave office at 3:45 p.m. Take kids home, let them play in yard and sandbox. We're all happy about that, at least.

So, it's been a long, long, long, long week. Thanks to those who have listened to me whine, both in person and by cyberspace.

Long weekend now here, I'm off to pull together youngest's second birthday party for tomorrow/Sunday. Somehow, I managed to buy pretty pretty princess party stuff during a lunch hour this week. My mom has cake stuff, so tomorrow, I'm makin' a castle cake. Photos, if it turns out, to come.


Carmel said...

I think the moon has been in some sort of funk over us all this week. My son's house in Washington was flooded this week due to a leak in their yard's sprinkler system. It was just the basement, but still. And, I won't even go into the many reasons that my week sucked around here. Enjoy the Princess party. I sort of miss those. Oh, geez, now I'm getting sad and missing my children being little. I'll just repeat, I like my freedom, I like my freedom...

Scott said...

In the immortal words of the MST3K crew: Perhaps booze would alleviate the situation. ;)

Hang in there, baby...

Gina said...

Like I said before...spike your cup of Kool-Aid or juice or whatever. I won't tell! :)