31 January 2006


To get back into the blogging swing, I'm shamelessly stealing from Ms. Gina.

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I grew up on a farm. Two, actually, because I had the run of my mother's parents' farm as well. And I liked it.
(That last part's the bigger secret. I complain about it alot, but I did enjoy it as a kid, for the most part.)

2. I was a speech and debate geek in high school. Extemp. I competed against John Ashcroft Jr. and 11 others at state. As I had laryngitis that day, it wasn't much of a competition on my part.

3. My hair was bone-straight and mostly blonde until puberty.

4. I was in College Republicans. No. Really. Stop LAUGHING! Ask Paula R. She joined with me.

5. Three labors: No pain meds.

6. #5 = not by choice. All kids born in under 5 hours from water breaking/first contraction.

7. I had five miscarriages. So, eight pregnancies, only three kids, one with the help of fertility drugs.

8. The little (and last one) = totally not planned. Ooops. But she's cute, so we'll keep her.

9. I obsessively read trashy romances. No, not Harlequin. The good ones, that Mira and similar publishing houses put out. Julia Quinn, Celeste Bradley, Jo Beverly, Stephanie Laurens. Good stuff.

10. I like bluegrass and NASCAR.


Anonymous said...

Hey, ix-nay on the ASCAR-Nay. Some things just shouldn't be admitted. :-)

Knittin' Kitten said...
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Knittin' Kitten said...

Let's try again, and hope this time I can type.

You have been DOWN THERE too long.

My God, I know the entertaiment venues were scarce, but NASCAR! I mean, NASCAR?

Gina said...

My brother and sister-in-law are also fans of NAS...oh, I can't even finish typing it. They've even been to the Dover Speedway. They can hardly believe that last bit themselves. But I love 'em anyway.

P.S. I can't read your blog at home anymore; it won't load up in my iMac. I get "404 Not Found." :(

Unknown said...

I was a NASCAR fan long before I moved back here. I watched Richard Petty back in the day. Okay, I grew up here, but hey. It's really good. And like baseball, there's strategy involved.

Bridg and Mike in Chi are also fans. :)

Those having difficulty getting to the blog now: Try emptying your cache. There had to be some tweaking in the computer-geek details on Blogger, so you might be redirecting to an old dns address.

Knittin' Kitten said...

Also, B. was more surprised that you had been a College Republican than that you were a NASCAR fan.