09 November 2006

Unsure and unhappy

Two bad days at work. Back-to-back.

I've already been questioning why I'm there . . . for months, actually. But nothing more appealing has opened up.

This past week has really done a number on my psyche. It's really hard to do my job when I don't feel respected, when I'm second-guessed. It's been even worse, recently, as more projects come down the pike, but no real help or new hires to take on some of the work load.

I had planned to take the afternoon today, anyway. My kids were out at noon because it is parent-teacher conferences days. It's nearly 80 degrees here today, so it was a good fall day to get out. Especially after a morning meeting didn't go well. I needed out, mentally and physically.

But the day in the sun with my kids, a picnic at the park, and a quick explore of the cave there helped. Some.


abigail said...

Stink. Sorry work is bleh but happy you got to spend the afternoon with your kids. Can't believe it was 80 degrees!

Carmel said...

S -- I completely understand. That one company in Washington came back with a higher offer, and now wants me to fly out for a face-to-face. It's not the ideal job, but I feel so TRAPPED here. My boss gives me stuff to "type" for her. She has me schedule appointments for her, etc. That's on top of my 45+ hours of client time I'm expected to complete, plus the obnoxious, detailed reports we have to turn in every day. If I write something in AP style, she'll change it. And if I mention to her (because she says we MUST write in AP style) that her change is wrong. She says "it's my company." Yeah. I understand.

It was 85 degrees here Thursday. 60 degrees today.

Scott said...

Yo Cissy...

You could sit around and wait for your "ideal job" forever and not get it. How badly do you want to get out of OKC? If you want out that badly, and if you think that the job in Washington is something you could at least tolerate for a year, then I say go for it. I thought my current job was going to bore the pants off me, but it got me to NYC and it turned out to be nowhere near as boring as I thought it might be. Heck, it's actually pretty okay. Jobs you can always find; opportunities to relocate to cities you like are less common...

Carmel said...

Scott - I'm giving it some serious serious thought. I'm also trying to negotiate with them to let me write a weekly column on top of my editing duties. But I'm getting a little more excited about it. I fly out the 29th.